PRP (Platetet-Rich-Plasma)

Unlock your body’s healing power with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy! By using concentrated platelets from your own blood, PRP rejuvenates skin, reduces wrinkles, and tackles issues like scars and hair loss. Its secret? Promoting tissue regeneration for smoother, more radiant skin and lasting results.

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Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy harnesses the body’s natural healing abilities by using concentrated platelets from your own blood to rejuvenate skin, reduce wrinkles, and address various concerns like scars and hair loss. Its remarkable effectiveness lies in its ability to promote tissue regeneration and improve skin texture and appearance, offering natural and long-lasting results. 

What is PRP?

Gaining widespread attention online under various nicknames like the “Vampire” or “Dracula” face-lift, Platelet-Rich-Plasma (PRP) Therapy offers a natural approach to skin rejuvenation and repair. By harnessing the healing properties of your own blood, this treatment visibly reduces wrinkles and loose skin in areas such as the eyes, mouth, and nose, as well as the neck and hands!  

Our practitioner, who serves as a renowned trainer for PRP techniques, boasts unparalleled expertise in the field. With their extensive experience and training, they stand as the most knowledgeable individual you could entrust with your PRP treatment! 

PRP Therapy is also effective for addressing scars like acne and surgical scars, as well as stretch marks. Its versatility extends to combating hair loss in both men and women, particularly when combined with other hair loss treatments. Our medical professional will thoroughly discuss your needs and the benefits of this treatment during a comprehensive consultation!

What concerns and areas can PRP tackle?
  • Ageing Skin 
  • Ageing Hands 
  • Neck (Loose Skin, Ageing) 
  • Acne & Acne scarring  
  • Crow’s feet 
  • Jowls 
  • Stretch Marks 
  • Loss of Facial Volume  
  • Nasolabial Folds (Smile Lines) 
  • Fine Lines & Wrinkles 
  • Hair Loss & Pattern Baldness 
  • Frown & Forehead Lines 
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How does PRP work?

Within our blood plasma we have “platelets,” containing potent proteins and enzymes referred to as “growth factors.” These natural components play a pivotal role in revitalising damaged skin, counteracting the effects of aging, and restoring volume. 

During PRP Therapy, our skilled professional extracts a small sample of your blood, which is then processed to isolate the platelet-rich plasma. This concentrated plasma, rich in growth factors, is meticulously injected into targeted areas, where its proteins initiate a transformative process within your skin. As neighbouring cells multiply and repair, collagen production is stimulated, resulting in increased volume and a rejuvenated complexion over time!  

PRP for Hair Loss

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Unlock the potential of your own biology with PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy for hair loss. This innovative treatment harnesses the power of your body’s natural resources, using a specially prepared biological product derived from your own blood.

Loaded with growth factors like TGF-beta, PDGF-AB, bFGF, IGF, VEGF, and EGF, along with a cocktail of bioactive proteins, nutrients, vitamins, hormones, and electrolytes, PRP turbocharges tissue repair and regeneration. By isolating the platelet-rich plasma and removing cellular components like red blood cells and leukocytes, we eliminate the barriers that hinder your body’s innate healing processes.

Experience a transformation in hair density and a reduction in hair loss, bringing your locks back to their natural glory. Many of our clients notice significant improvements within just 90 days, with ongoing enhancement for up to 6 months. Plus, PRP can seamlessly integrate with other hair loss treatments to boost your results even further!

This groundbreaking therapy isn’t limited by gender or hair loss type. Whether you’re battling androgenetic alopecia or alopecia areata, PRP offers hope and results for both men and women alike.

Say hello to a fuller, healthier head of hair with PRP therapy!

What are regenerative treatments?

Regenerative aesthetic treatments are innovative procedures that harness the body's natural healing processes to rejuvenate and enhance the skin's appearance. These treatments often involve using substances like platelet-rich plasma (PRP), stem cells, growth factors, or other biologically active compounds derived from the patient's own body!

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How long does PRP take to work?

Visible improvements from PRP treatment for skin and facial concerns typically become apparent within several weeks. To maximise and prolong the results, additional top-up sessions, totalling two to three treatments, may be recommended. With this approach, the benefits of PRP therapy can endure for up to 12 to 18 months. 

What is the downtime for PRP?

PRP therapy boasts minimal downtime, and adverse effects are uncommon. While bruising and redness in the treated areas may occur occasionally, recovery is swift, and side-effects are rare. 

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Do PRP treatments hurt?

Despite the dramatic “vampire” nickname, PRP treatments typically involve minimal discomfort, often requiring only a few quick and easy injections. Our practitioner will ensure a tolerable experience for most patients. 

How many sessions of PRP will I need?

Generally, patients may need two to three additional sessions to sustain results, which can endure for up to 18 months. Regarding hair growth, we typically advise treatments every three to four months for optimal results. 

about us

Sutha Aesthetics

Welcome to Sutha Aesthetics, London’s leading clinic offering body, face, and skin treatments. Everyone deserves to feel comfortable in their own skin, whether it’s through rejuvenation, enhancing features like lips, or reducing fine lines and wrinkles. We support our clients in their journey to confidence and self-expression, providing a safe and comfortable environment where each option can be openly discussed and considered. With our expertise, experience, and care, we aim to help you become the best version of yourself.

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