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Explore our

Wellness Treatments

Discover solutions tailored and personalised to your health and welless needs.

We prioritise your holistic well-being. From powerful doses of antioxidants and vitamins to an extensive weight loss management programme, explore how we can help you feel your best and tackle life’s challenges head-on. Explore the possibilities with us and let us help you look and feel your best from within!

Remember, our team is always here to offer expert advice. Experience the journey firsthand with a comprehensive, no-obligation consultation, where together, we’ll make the perfect plan to fulfil your aesthetic goals.

Your wellness journey begins here.
wellness treatment gallery image sutha aesthetics

IV Vitamin Infusions

Our IV Drip & Vitamin Infusions  offer an optimal method for administering vitamins, minerals, and amino acids directly into your bloodstream through intravenous drip, maximiding health advantages. Each bespoke IV infusion is designed to fulfill distinct purposes, boosting your health from within!

Blood Tests

Blood testing services at Sutha Aesthetics is an incredible addition to our wellness treatments! We can help you discover any deficiencies or imbalances that you may not be aware of! 

Weight Loss Management Programme

At Sutha Aesthetics, we know that it is imperative to reach and maintain a healthy weight. By adopting a holistic approach, we are here to help you reach your goals, in a healthy and effective way. From consultation, to tailored plans and reviews, we are here to guide you. 

Menopause Services

Menopause is a natural and unavoidable transition in a woman’s life. Although it’s a common, the experience of navigating menopause varies for every woman, involving physical, emotional, and hormonal shifts that can pose obstacles. At Sutha Aesthetics, we recognise the intricacies of menopause and provide tailored services to assist women through this transformative phase with skilled attention and holistic assistance.

Client Testimonials

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