PRP for hair loss treatment image sutha aesthetics

Explore our

Regenerative Treatments

Discover solutions tailored for your aesthetic transformation transformation! Our innovative treatments are designed to sculpt your featires without the hassle of surgery. Explore the possibilities with us and look your best!

Our regenerative treatments, utilising your body’s own reparative abilities to address concerns like hair thinning and volume loss. Also called autologous treatments, they offer minimal risk of side effects and incredible results!  Explore how regenerative medicine can help you reach your goals at Sutha Aesthetics.

Remember, our team is always here to offer expert advice. Experience the journey firsthand with a comprehensive, no-obligation consultation, where together, we’ll make the perfect plan to fulfil your aesthetic goals.

Your transformation begins here.

Plenhyage XL

Plenhyage XL revolutionises skin rejuvenation with its injectable formula, working deeply to repair and revitalise skin cells, making it a sought-after solution for those in Kings Lynn aiming to enhance radiance and elasticity. 



Exosomes, tiny biological messengers, are delivered into the skin through micro-needling. They stimulate collagen and elastin production, vital for youthful skin, by promoting cell communication. This process enhances skin elasticity, diminishes fine lines, and supports overall skin health!

PRP (Platelet-Rich-Plasma)

Unlock your body’s healing power with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy! By using concentrated platelets from your own blood, PRP rejuvenates skin, reduces wrinkles, and tackles issues like scars and hair loss. Its secret? Promoting tissue regeneration for smoother, more radiant skin and lasting results.

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